The island nation of Tuvalu in the South Pacific will turn to web3 technology.

Currently, 40% of the island is underwater at high tide and it is predicted that the entire country would be underwater by the end of the century. Simon Kofe, the country’s foreign minister, declared in the COP27 climate summit on Nov. 15 that we are looking to protect our country’s heritage, history, culture, society against climate change by recreating itself in the metaverse. In a video broadcast, Kofe said, “As our land disappears we have no choice but to become the world’s first digital nation.” In addition, some other countries have joined to web3 before Tuvalu, such as the Caribbean island nation of Barbados by opening an embassy in the decentraland metaverse, Norway by opening a branch of its federal tax offices in the metaverse, etc.

In brief

Tuvalu Island will be rebuilt in the Metaverse!

The island nation of Tuvalu in the South Pacific will be recreated in the metaverse to protect its heritage, history, culture and society against climate change because it will probably be drowned at high tide by the end of the century.

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