How to Protect Your Social Accounts?
How do you protect your social accounts from intrusions?
- At the first step it could be better using an end to end encryption messaging application like telegram, WhatsApp. End-to-end encryption is used in messaging apps to ensure that only two sides of the conversation could be able to view the content of the messages, files, videos and photos. There are few messaging applications on social networks that have no end to end encryption, like Facebook in default. So you must be aware of this fact.
- Some social accounts could be opened Simultaneously in various devices, like telegram. Checking Active Sessions would be a good protection. When you open one application in various platforms like laptop, mobile, tablet, …, the connected sessions could be opened after closing of them, so your accounts could be available in platforms. You could terminate extra active sessions except one of them.
- Some social network accounts have two step verification. It would be recommending when you interest to keep your private Even, you can use an email address to password recovery.
- using strong password, is a very simple tip, in setting of social network accounts. Strong password means using of complicated passcode, like combination of uppercase and lowercase characters, numbers, signs and symbols of your choice. Please do not write your password anywhere, just keep in mind or use a strong password generator websites and popular password manager applications.
- Please be careful about the fake messages. You may have received messages sent from an application like WhatsApp or telegram to users like: ‘’Your account has temporary confirm your identity click link below.’’ Telegram never asks you to confirm your identity. If you receive such messages, please just ignore it and do not click on the link.
- At the end, if you delete old and not used for a long time messages, you could have a more secure activity in networks.
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