37xDubai art gallery

37xDubai art gallery (in the field of NFT, Web 3)

37xDubai art gallery (in the field of NFT, Web 3)


Danilo Carlucci, the founder of investment firm Morningstar Ventures which is based in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), hosts 37xDubai art gallery. This gallery, which was set to start later in October 2023, has the dual purpose of displaying and educating NFTs. The NFTs are based on the Tree of Life art and as membership tokens. It is planned to hold some workshops after opening to educate artists and art aficionados on nonfungible tokens (NFTs) and the broader Web3 ecosystem. Carlucci says the gallery is “an effort to bridge art and technology in one place.” He also said that there are some advisers from Binance NFT and Binance Charity.


37xDubai art gallery 37xDubai art gallery 37xDubai art gallery

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