Superfast Wi-Fi

Superfast Wi-Fi for AR & VR headsets is confirmed by FCC!

Superfast Wi-Fi for AR & VR headsets is confirmed by FCC!


After years challenges between Federal Communications Commision (FCC) and tech giants like Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Meta about broader band for Wi-Fi, now FCC has confirmed access to the 6GHz band for Wi-Fi by them. FCC also greenlights superfast Wi-Fi for AR and VR headsets. This approval was announced by FCC rightly on the same day it voted to move forward with restoring net neutrality rules. on September 27th, FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel proposed the new rules, which would authorize very low power (VLP) operations — meaning their signals won’t be able to go very far — in about 850MHz of the spectrum. Meta VP of North American policy Kevin Martin said: “This is a shining example of a government regulator working with industry early to build for the future.”

Superfast Wi-Fi Superfast Wi-Fi Superfast Wi-Fi Superfast Wi-Fi

Superfast Wi-Fi for AR & VR headsets is confirmed by FCC!

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After years challenges between Federal Communications Commision (FCC) and tech giants like Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Meta about broader band for Wi-Fi, now FCC has confirmed access to the 6GHz band for Wi-Fi by them. FCC also greenlights superfast Wi-Fi for AR and VR headsets. This approval was announced by FCC rightly on the same day it voted to move forward with restoring net neutrality rules. on September 27th, FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel proposed the new rules, which would authorize very low power (VLP) operations — meaning their signals won’t be able to go very far — in about 850MHz of the spectrum. Meta VP of North American policy Kevin Martin said: “This is a shining example of a government regulator working with industry early to build for the future.”

After years challenges between Federal Communications Commision (FCC) and tech giants like Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Meta about broader band for Wi-Fi, now FCC has confirmed access to the 6GHz band for Wi-Fi by them. FCC also greenlights superfast Wi-Fi for AR and VR headsets. This approval was announced by FCC rightly on the same day it voted to move forward with restoring net neutrality rules. on September 27th, FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel proposed the new rules, which would authorize very low power (VLP) operations — meaning their signals won’t be able to go very far — in about 850MHz of the spectrum. Meta VP of North American policy Kevin Martin said: “This is a shining example of a government regulator working with industry early to build for the future.”

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